Meet Manager:SplashMe

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SplashMe is a mobile application to view live meet results. Meet Manager is used to publish data for SplashMe.

SplashMe for the iPhone is available in the AppStore. SplashMe for Android will be available later.

In order to publish a meet for SplashMe, you have to follow these steps:

  • Register meet in calendar
  • Synchronize athletes / clubs with
  • Activate live results

For all these functions, you need a working internet connection and Meet Manager needs access to the internet (using HTTP protocol).

Register in Calendar

Calendar Menu

Before you can register your meet in the calendar, you have to enter at least all basic values like meet name, city, nation and you have to add at least one session per day of your meet.

Choose Transfer > Edit / Update Calendar… from the main menu to connect your meet to the calendar.

The first time you connect your meet to the calendar, the global meet id field should be empty and you have to enter a meet password with at least four characters. Then you press "Login" to send a request to the server. The new meet is created and a unique meet id is assigned to your meet.

With the global meet id (e.g. "E6-896") and your password you have all information you need to connect to the SplashMe online data server. The global meet id can be found in the lower left corner of the calendar edit dialog.

Calendar Edit Dialog

If you want your meet to be listed in the calendar, then click "Update" at least once in this dialog. But this is not necessary to have your meet available in the SplashMe application.

The global meet id and the password is saved into your local meet database file and will be available automatically on all login dialogs where you need it.

Synchronize athletes / clubs with

Clubs - Edit Menu

For this step choose the module "Clubs". Then choose Edit > Get All Club Info to start the synchronization for all clubs. You may select a club first and then start the synchronization for a single club only. This is usefull when you added athletes and want to do the synchronisation for the new athletes only.

The synchronization is important to retreive the unique swimrankings id (SWRID) for each athlete. This id is needed for the favorite function in SplashMe. Only athletes with an SWRID can be choosen as favorite. You can set the filter to "Show suspicious clubs / athletes only" to list only the athletes, where a synchronization was not possible. There are some common reasons, why an athlete cannot be found on Wrong nationality - wrong year of birth or gender - misspelled name.

Activate live results

Live Results Setup

The final step is to check your live result settings and then you can activate the live results to update all SplashMe online data to the same state of your meet database.

Updating SplashMe online data is combined with the common (old) live results, where you can upload Pdf documents to any Ftp server. Both uploads work completely independent in the background and can be activated separately or both together as well. Just ensure that you have set the appropriate checkbox on the "SplashMe" / "General" tab before you activate the upload.

Live Results Setup Dialog

For SplashMe online data you only have to ensure, that you entered a valid global meet id and password.

  • You may use the "Clear" function to remove all online data for the current meet.
  • You may upload your own logo with the "Image" function. The logo has to be a Png image with exact size of 500 x 300 pixels.